6. Independent Women – Destiny’s Child 2001
Question, tell me how you feel about this Try to control me, boy, you get dismissed Pay my own fun, oh, and I pay my own bills Always 50-50 in relationships Two of the most touted words of twenty-teens Australia would have to be ‘misogyny’ – thank you Julia Gillard for that speech towards Tony Abbott – and ‘mansplaining’. Lets look at misogyny first. It’s the noun for people that have a dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. It’s sad that society has felt the need to come up with a word like this. However, don’t think that this is a biased situation as the English language also has the complementary word ‘misandry’ for those that feel similarly about males. Then there’s mansplaining. This one’s more fun than misogyny as it’s the noun for the explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, i...