25. What’s Up – 4 Non Blondes 1992
I realized quickly when I knew I should That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man For whatever that means When I was 25 I was still trying to prove my independence and figure out what my identity was. By the time I turned 35 I was happily settled into a relationship and was earning more cash than my man, but not feeling as though he had to lift his game and earn as much as me (compare to Post 3 ). This got me thinking that, maybe, the mad drive a fair proportion of women have to prove themselves is all self-inflicted. Additionally, maybe this pursuit of proving themselves is counter productive when it comes to relationships, because at some stage you have to cease looking out for just yourself and start looking out for others in order to have a healthy relationship. Then, as a gender, we further confuse sex relations when it comes to etiquette. We live in an era when males don’t know if they’re expected to open doors for us or not. ...